Range Rules

Fulton County Sportsman Club Range Rules

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Whenever handling a firearm, always follow the S.A.F.E. principles. Keep it simple, keep it safe!


Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction. Never point it at yourself, a body part or anyone or anything that you are not willing to destroy.


Always treat firearms as if they are loaded. Only you can declare a firearm safe. Never assume it is unloaded. Do a physical and visual check.


Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.


Know your target and beyond. Pay attention to your surroundings. You are responsible for your fired bullets.


  1. Members may shoot the club steel targets and attach paper or cardboard targets on the plywood stands on Bays 1 and 2. Members may also bring their own targets. Member targets should only be targets designed for shooting-ex. paper or cardboard targets on shooting stands, steel targets. Shooting at targets not designed for shooting such as appliances, toys, watermelons, pumpkins, trees and vegetation on the club property, etc. is prohibited. Using club tables or other furniture to attach targets is prohibited.
  1. Shooting wildlife and hunting on the range is prohibited.
  1. While on the firing line when shooters have finished their string of shots, all firearms must be unloaded and put in safe condition. The command of “Clear” is then communicated to others on your bay.
  1. All fired rounds must impact into the berms on the bays. Shooting over the berms is strictly prohibited.
  1. Practice good range etiquette:
    • While on your bay, do not handle any firearm while other shooters are downrange checking or changing targets. This includes cleaning, adjusting sights, moving the gun on the rest, etc.
    • When sharing a bay with other shooter(s), communicate range commands of “Clear” before proceeding downrange to hang, check or retrieve targets. Communicate “Fire” when everyone is on the firing line and ready to start shooting.
    • Do not handle any other shooter’s gun, ammunition and/or equipment without his or her permission.
    • Everyone on your bay must shoot from the same firing line. Shooting beyond another shooter (that is someone farther down range from you) is never allowed.
    • Be aware of the firing cadence of the shooters next to you and try to avoid firing simultaneously with them while on Bay 1.
    • Remove attached targets, pick up empty ammunition boxes and other trash. Leave the range cleaner than you found it.
    • When shooting with others, do not pick up another shooter’s brass unless you have their permission; he or she may intend to use it for reloading.
    • Abusive behavior, deliberate destruction of club property, violation of safety procedures, and other behavior that endangers others will not be tolerated and should be reported to a club director.
  1. Concealed carry is permissible while on the range. If the concealed carry gun is to be handled and/or fired while on the range then all S.A.F.E principles and shooting rules 1 through 5 will apply.
  1. For emergencies, call 911. The shooting range is on County Road 14 just north of the intersection of Route 2 and County Road 14. The entrance to the range is marked with a sign.