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Hunter’s Education Class

October 19

Please join us for our next Hunter’s Education Class on Saturday, October 19, 2024. You must register at WILDLIFE.OHIODNR.GOV. The course ID # is “1000087455”. We only have 25 spots available so we ask that if you register, please plan on attending. If you have previously registered and were a no show, you will be contacted and removed from the list. We regret that we have to do this, but spots go unfilled and we want to accommodate as many students as possible. Please see the flyer below and contact 419-356-9984 with any questions. AGES ARE 8-?. The child needs to be able to follow along and highlight notes and be able to read and take the test. If you want your child to participate in the course, and they are younger than 8, you will have to stay to assist your child with note taking and to read the test for your child. Please note that the registration may not be open until September 19 which we have no control over.



October 19